General FAQs

Detailed information is only available to other PS-TIE members who have obtained a secure username and password. Basic information is available to the general public in our online membership directory.

All members can set their username as an email and password while signing up at PS-TIE. Only paid members may have access to view detailed information about other members and gain access to our exclusive member benefits.

Basic members will have access to edit their profile, however are limited to detailed member information and PS-TIE benefits.

Not only is the answer YES but, we encourage our members to display our logo on your business cards, stationary, website and all social properties. This will help in the process of branding you as a professional of Trust Integrity & Ethics.

Download High Resolution Logo

* Click the link above and save to download the logo for use on business cards.

Depending on the status of your membership and account, certain fees and restrictions may apply. If you have questions about your membership, please email us at [email protected].

You can also call 888 or (866) pstie to speak with a customer service representative.